using a storage unit to create more space

using a storage unit to create more space

What Should You Never Keep in Your Self-Storage Unit?

by William Fleury

Self-storage units have become a popular choice for people looking to remove clutter from their homes or store belongings while moving or renovating. While storage units are a useful option, you should be aware of what items shouldn't be stored in them. Although people can store many types of items they own in a storage unit, some things can pose a hazard or risk damage. 

Perishable Items 

Perishable items, such as food or plants, shouldn't be stored in a self-storage unit. These items can attract pests that can, in turn, damage other items stored in the unit. Additionally, food can spoil, resulting in an unpleasant smell that can be difficult to handle.

Hazardous Materials

The storage of hazardous materials is strictly prohibited in self-storage units due to the risks these materials pose to people, animals, and the environment. Some examples of hazardous materials include gasoline, propane tanks, and other flammable chemicals. These materials can cause explosions or fires, putting not just your items at risk but also the safety of those around the storage unit.

Firearms and Ammunition

Another item to avoid in a storage unit is firearms and ammunition. This includes both loaded and unloaded guns. Even if you're storing a firearm that's no longer in use, it's best to keep it elsewhere, as it's not only a potential safety hazard but can also violate your storage unit contract.

Illegal Items 

It's an obvious point, but it has to be said. Illegal items have no place in a self-storage unit.  Any item that's illegal or stolen and is stored in your unit means that you'll not only be breaking the law, but you'll also face the consequences if the police come knocking.

Live Pets

Another item that should never be kept in a self-storage unit is live pets. Storage units have no ventilation, and there's no way of getting fresh air in, which makes it an inappropriate environment for living creatures. Keeping pets or other animals in a self-storage unit can become tremendously dangerous, resulting in loss of life.

Self-storage units are a convenient solution for keeping items that you don't want cluttering your home or place of work. However, it's important to understand what should never be stored in one. Hazardous materials, perishable items, firearms and ammunition, illegal items, and live animals top the list of things to steer clear of. Knowing what to avoid will help you keep your storage unit safe, clean, and hassle-free for the long haul. 

Learn more about self storage units near you today. 


About Me

using a storage unit to create more space

Having two small children in a small two bedroom apartment is challenging. I want my kids to have everything that they want or need, but the lack of space made it kind of difficult to do so without creating a cluttered space for us all to live in. I was talking with another mother in the building where we live and she told me about a storage facility that she uses for the overflow from her house. She explained what she keeps in the unit and how she manages to keep it in perfect condition while it is being stored. Find out what I learned and how I use my storage unit on my blog.