using a storage unit to create more space

using a storage unit to create more space

  • Tips For Storing Outdoor Furniture For Winter

    Storing your outdoor furniture before winter descends helps keep it in good shape for the following spring and summer. Exposure to moisture, freezing temperatures, and wind can damage the finish on metal, lead to cracked or etched glass, and destroy upholstery. If you don't have room to store the furniture at home, a basic storage unit can provide the perfect winter reprieve for your furniture. The following tips can help you store properly.

  • 4 Ways To Increase Security And Safety At Your Storage Unit

    There are many reasons as to why you may need to rent out a self-storage unit. Perhaps you're in the process of moving, or maybe you just need to de-clutter your home. Regardless of your reasoning, the fact remains that you want to keep your valuables safe and secure. Unfortunately, burglaries and break-ins can happen at self-storage facilities. The good news is that there are steps you can take to keep your belongings safer while they're in storage, at a place like Acorn Self Service Storage.

  • What To Look For In A Warehouse Storage Unit For Your Business

    When you have a lot of inventory that you want to store off-site, you may want to consider storage at a warehouse to keep your items protected and organized. Whether you want to ship items from a warehouse or simply need a large space to keep all your inventory in check, a warehouse can be very beneficial to you. Here are things to look for when renting a warehouse storage facility.

  • Tips For Organizing An Active Storage Unit

    If you have a storage unit that you utilize quite a bit, setting this up in a way that is more efficient is important. Being able to find your seasonal items or merchandise for your small business quickly will help with headaches down the line. Here are four tips when it comes to organizing a personal storage unit that you access frequently.  1. Make Sure You can Step into Your Unit

  • Two Easy Ways To Organize Your Self Storage Unit

    If you want to make sure that you are going to be able to easily retrieve things from your self storage unit when you need them the most, you might want to keep reading. By checking out the following tips and hints, you will have an easy time organizing things in the best possible manner. Collect Colored Plastic Bins Plastic bins with lids tend to be a lot better at keeping your personal belongings safe, especially since they will not come apart as easily as boxes.

  • About Me

    using a storage unit to create more space

    Having two small children in a small two bedroom apartment is challenging. I want my kids to have everything that they want or need, but the lack of space made it kind of difficult to do so without creating a cluttered space for us all to live in. I was talking with another mother in the building where we live and she told me about a storage facility that she uses for the overflow from her house. She explained what she keeps in the unit and how she manages to keep it in perfect condition while it is being stored. Find out what I learned and how I use my storage unit on my blog.